Tuesday 17 July 2007

Prefect uniform

After wearing the prefect uniform for 3 days,I can conclude that it is an outfit that is best described as 'GLOBAL WARMING'!!!Cannot tahan lor,so super hot wearing the long sleeve shirt and blazer.Some more underneath got other stuff to hide some stuff.LOL..meaning have to wear singlet.I don't usually wear a singlet since the pinafore used to cover practically everything anyway,but now,without the protection of my beloved pinafore,it's a must to wear a singlet.How many layers of clothing does one need to wear????????Sigh...ok,no more obscenities.Hahaha..Aiyooo...so touching la the show.It's a chinese show called The Kid from Heaven.Super duper touching.The little boy who acts in the show is also super cute.It really shows how much family should stick together no matter what and a little boy's love for his parents.He's super sweet-mouthed.=D If you want to watch it,it's at 9:00pm till 10:00pm on AEC,Channel 19.The repeats are at 3:30pm till 4:30pm.Hahaha..talking about uniforms and got really sidetracked.

-Elena aka Monkey-

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